EFT or Tapping works on acupressure points to help promote health and wellbeing and overcome limiting self- beliefs. Many people swear by this practice. I have been trialling it over the last year and have found it really useful.
Tapping is credited by many for alleviating everything from chronic pain, addictions, phobias, stress, emotional problems, weight loss and helps to restore and promote health and wellness. It involves tapping on acupressure points with your fingerprints to stimulate the body’s energy meridian points. Many people swear by this practice. I have used it for the last year or so and it does help to restore a sense of balance and peace. I recommend you give it a go…in the privacy of your own home. You might feel a little silly tapping away at first but you soon get used to it. I find myself tapping on morning walks sometimes if I have trouble letting go of something.
Before a practice session it’s good to close your eyes and take a couple of deep breaths. Rate the issue you are going to tap about between 1-10 with 10 being the highest score for the most severe issue. Once you have finished tapping close your eyes again and check in. How would you rate the issue now? If it has not dropped a few points then perhaps tap a few more times.

Nick Ortner The Tapping Solution. Nick and his sister Jessica have produced a huge amount of material. They also run an annual tapping summit.